Tuesday, June 09, 2009
the little things
this early morning is a good morning, because i found my spare battery after losing it for a few minutes (i only count something as being lost AFTER a realisation that it has been misplaced has been reached) when i realised i really did not know where it was. i found it in my little sling bag which i took to fraser. much rejoicing..... and stuff.
also, i found my laptop cooling fan cable!! that is a real roflcopter moment, because i've been living without it all semester, AFTER apparently coming over with the cooling pad but not the WIRE to power it. -___- well i was not that dumb or such a muddlehead after all, as i found that elusive wire DEEEEEP in my laptop bag, not least while trying to find my spare battery! thank God, massive. haha. it's the little things.
because, on the big things scene, it makes me cringe.
paN!cker lost it at 1:20 am